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  • Photo du rédacteurAzuretrend

Storm Alex - Saint-Laurent-du-Var

Friday October 2, storm Alex devastated the valleys of Vésubie, Tinée and Roya. Faced with unprecedented precipitation, rivers have become real torrents, their beds have sometimes been multiplied by 10.

These floods have grown on an unimaginable scale, sweeping everything in its path, tearing up trees, but also infrastructure, destroying dozens of houses and completely destroying roads.

That same morning, the Alpes Maritimes department was placed on red vigilance, storm Alex then threatened the eastern part of the South - Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur region as far as Italy.

In the aftermath of this disaster, the villages and surroundings were reduced to apocalyptic landscapes, and the storm carried all kinds of waste to the coast.

Called on by the metropolis, EcoTank and its emergency depollution service Emergen'Sea are mandated to clear the port and the shipyard invaded by timber as quickly as possible. A team of nearly 10 technicians is then dispatched urgently to the site. Every day, ground teams intervene, first with a quad and a buggy, equipped with trailers, which allow you to navigate all the paths, even the steepest. This equipment makes it possible to meet the waste and collect by hand all the trunks and pieces of wood strewn on the ground, obstructing the walking paths.

At the dock level, the device becomes heavier with a 13-tonne excavator which collects the pieces of wood covering the body of water.

An EcoTank multiservice work boat works in parallel to repatriate the logs that obstruct the port. These pieces of wood are incredibly large and can be up to 20 meters long! These tons of wood are then cut and cleared using 3 EcoTanks which alternate, transported by a 26-ton truck. It is therefore an extraordinary device, worthy of a real construction site which operated for 9 days in the port, to the delight of boaters and the harbor master's office.

For the smallest wood, the harbor master's office offered it free of charge to individuals to use it for firewood. The EcoTank and Emergen'Sea teams cut and prepare small piles to organize this good initiative.

This extraordinary site, in action for 9 days, cleared more than 110 tonnes of wood, in the port alone.

One actor among many others, EcoTank and Emergen'Sea also support and applaud all those involved in this unprecedented disaster, the firefighters, research teams, electricity and road technicians and all the volunteers on the job. to support disaster victims.

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